Last updated: 2023-10-20
I'm Ray! This website is a place for me to put info about many of my projects (not only my computers, but also audio projects and simple web "apps"). I hope you'll find it interesting. Currently, the website is generated with a "web compiler" script that takes a folder of files and generates static html pages from them. Before this, I was using the Hugo static site generator and before that, I wrote the pages in html. The current web compiler setup is definitely the easiest of the three to use (in my opinion). The raw text files use a syntax similar to Gemtext which makes parsing them simple and allows for a templated website design.
> Links
My website compiler (static site generator)
If you are interested in a project or find a bug in the website, feel free to contact me. This is not exactly a routinely-monitored inbox but I do check it from time to time. Please: no sales, spam, or other content that most people might just block or delete.
email: ray [AT] zrcn [DOT] org
Just add this code:
<a href="https://zrcn.org">
<img src="https://files.zrcn.org/assets/images/zrcn-button.gif" width="88" height="31" />
And it should look like this: